Social issue research topic

What is your social issue? My social issue is Gun regulations.

Why is it such a social issue? What do people disagree about in relation to this topic? Its a social issue because lots of people in america talk about the gun violence and how it can be stopped or slowed down in any way possible and gun regulations are thought to be one of the main solutions for the gun violence.

What is your proposed solution? Why do you think this is the best solution? My solution for the topic is to be crack down more on illegal guns sold then the guns that are sold legally.

What are pros to your solution? Guns do more to protect then to hurt, congress votes are fairly low on the ban on guns, taking away some ones second amendment right cant be justified.

What are cons to your solution? A house held gun would mean more homicides and burglaries.

Do you agree/disagree that gun regulations should be tightened? Why or Why not

Do you have any recommendations on ways  i can make the argument the better or ways i can get good information about the topic

Do you know anyone that owns a gun or recently owned a legalized weapon?


Play-Doh Creations

In the play-doh experiment i made a heart with the green play-doh because I’m in love with the color of money, I am green on the inside, I eat a lot of vegetables, I like plants, and I just love English so much. Its important to me because I always love everything I do in English  and how I do everything out of the kindness of my heart. I made the heart because I have a big heart. The heart was important to me because i feel as if more people in the world need a green heart of love and not a red upside down smiley face and some people need to learn how to spread the love. The brainstorming part of the project compared to the play-doh really is similar because just like in the brainstorming you have to think and use creativity  to make and form the play-doh into something that comes straight from your head just like brain storming. 

Should terminally ill patients be allowed to end their lives via assisted suicide?

In the website ISIDEWITH I picked the topic  Should terminally ill patients be allowed to end their lives via assisted suicide? throughout Chicago 83% of people said yes and 17% said no. 8% of people said that if people get a physiological test and fully understand the decision they are making. while 3% said that it should only happen if the person with the illness has absolutely no way of surviving  the illness. Some people might think that their time living is over and they need help to goo to a better life. Some people might want to just exit out all the pain from the illness and not go through any of it. while other people might not want to be a burden on their families and make them spend lots of money on their medical fee’s. The people that said no also said that they should be allowed to refuse artificial life support but not allowed to end their lives with assisted suicide. They also said that the person might be saving themselves from pain but they are putting their friends and family in emotional pain because they are losing a love one.